Sunday, August 17, 2008

Why is a pre-trip assessment and prearranged aftercare potentially beneficial?

Comprehensive end to end services. Simple words, complex solutions.

That is the basis for what we believe will be a successful company going forward. Those companies that provide simple elements without having the necessary options available for clients to purchase are making potential mistakes for their company and the industry. Clients who seek medical care abroad may not realize the complexity of the undertaking. We should be there to help them understand what is needed and what is required. Simple price points do not address issues such as who will care for wounds when you return home.

Medical Travel companies should consider these problems solved long before you book your first client. Having solutions already built into your business plan will save time, money and reputation when a problem surfaces. Your company should know who will manage the care and how it will be paid for. This complex issue happens occasionally when clients return with a problem and no one was willing to assist them.

There are expectations for continuity of care from the patient through the insurer/payer to regulatory agencies. As a participant in arranging a trip for the clients, our companies may appear to be their contact for services going forward. Simply letting them dangle to find their own aftercare does not help anyone in the arena.

You will get the commission on the first client, but that will not propagate into recurrent trips or referrals for friends and family. Good service and a comprehensive approach is one of the best methods of advertising. One satisfied customer can generate many new leads, while one unhappy client can lead to dozens of negative reports that amplify themselves and suppress potential leads. Is it worth the short term profit to create a self destructive cycle of negative advertisements?

How about screening people before they leave? Is there a value added service in providing this to your client? At first pass who would want to say no to a client. We all want to say yes to a sale. But look a bit deeper and there is a compelling reason to screen and say: ' No our services are not for you. Thank you for your inquiry.'

If you compete in a market on cost than you will need to accept nearly everyone to make up for small margins. The dilemma begins when a client purchases a package from your website and company and something was not screened well or reported by the client. Perhaps they were inaccurate about a condition or they had inappropriate expectations. They traveled with your company name and spent a good portion of their money on the roundtrip flight and some hotel expenses.

Then they arrive at the hospital. They are not candidates for the procedure. What happens next? Who refunds what to whom? Policies can help, but this will be a mess and quickly mushroom.

The patient almost always has the upper hand initially. It can be a very difficult situation to defuse. It is a battle of words. Regardless of the true findings later on, the initial PR stain can hurt your brand. Document can help but it is a reactive approach to the entire set of events and interactions.

You could develop a process and value added package that allows for both parties to meet, assess decide together whether this is the right person, right facility and right service(s) prior to engaging in a more expensive transaction.

Food for thought. Proactive preemption will nearly always beat reactive post hoc solutions.

Be Well, Travel Safe,

Jim McCormick MD
President and Founder
Premiere Medical Travel Services Company

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