Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is it safe to go outside the US for medical care and wellness?

Yes it is safe.
No more and no less safe than walking around a major US city. Our media has a tendency to hype events overseas in order to grab your attention. None-the-less attention and due caution are reasonable actions. When in Rome act more Roman than American. Blending in can be worthwhile.

There are also safety bulletins issued by the US State Department. The CIA provides up-to-date information guides about specific countries. Ask us for them when you call or email. We will gladly facilitate your getting timely and accurate information to make decisions.

No one can guarantee your complete safety outside the US. Perhaps the better question to ask would be: is it more unsafe abroad than when you are inside the US? We have significant violent crime issues in most of our major cities and suburbs. So asking a more precise question may help to clarify this question in your mind.

Be Well, Travel Safe

Jim McCormick MD
Premiere Medical Travel Company

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