Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What is a Wellness Center?

We at Premiere define medical wellness clinics as a destination for you, a traveling patient, to gain powerful new insight into your particular disease or illness and how to best manage it.

In our view, having a pile of paperwork handed to you in an office after a hasty visit is not an effective way for you to learn about your illnesses and their management. We are developing offerings where in addition to your procedure, you receive an intense several week set of sessions that incorporate daily lessons, time to reflect, time to learn and time to renew who you are and how to best approach your illnesses.

What would daily lessons, nutritional tips, exercise instructions, yoga, meditation give you? In our belief, the best chances at a holistic and healthy life. Will you leave the experience illness free? Not likely, but you will be more empowered, more fulfilled and more likely to make the most effective changes in your life for the better.

In our view, the wellness clinic is an avenue to a new life and a rebirth or redefinition of who you are. Better nutrition, better exercise habits and healthier mindsets can change your physiology and potentially reduce the number of medications you need to take. Reducing medications, can reduce costs and medications related complications. This alone is a leading cause of preventable deaths in hospitals. Pills are easier solutions to write out when time is compressed so much in the office setting. It would seem to us at Premiere Medical that the investment in your health will pay for itself very quickly from a financial, health and well being perspective.

Be Well, Travel Safe

Jim McCormick MD
Premiere Medical Travel Company

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